Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh You Want To Know More About Me? Very Well Then.

In the wake of James Frey's comeuppance on Oprah, I feel it behooves me to be as honest here as possible. If I had to be reincarnated I really would like to be the yellow fanta girl. My least favorite thing about being vegetarian is when people argue with me about it. Although I have been known to fall off the wagon for a dodger dog. Chances are I know more about Britney Spears than any human alive and I'm only a little ashamed to admit that. I once paid two dollars for a peach. I'm not sure why I just told you that but I felt like you should know. I like animals more than I like most people. I can't hold a grudge-it's physically impossible. I have zero tolerance for people who talk badly about the valley. Really, I dont want to hear it. I also have issues with being hugged. Although this one time I got a great deal on a handbag and before I knew it I was hugging people. I've been told everything is more fun with me around, and while I'm pretty sure I'm being lied to, I choose to believe it.

1 comment:

The Alleged Ringleader said...

Valley girls RULE!
and top it off with two bumps to my chest & a flash of the peace sign!