Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get Off My Back

For my friends (READ: DIANNA) who get on my case about not posting regularly, I will have you know I've been very busy. No, not stalking my new kickboxing instructor. Although he is a sweet piece of eye candy I will not lie. I have new reason to go to kickboxing beyond imagining beating to a pulp the last guy I dated.

Where was I?

Beating to a pulp last guy I date, sweet kickboxing instructor eye candy, being busy. Right being busy.

So I've been very busy. Very very busy. Understanding google chrome and partying like a rockstar at the downtown Standard roof bar on a Tuesday night are very very taxing on little Rebs. But I've also been doing work. And no that was not well intentioned placement for my boss who may stumble across blonde memoirs. Fine, it was. But I've been doing writing too. Did you hear that Dianna? To get Dianna off my back (I love you) (like the sister I never wanted) I've put up some published articles I've written for work lately. You can read them if you want. Or not. If I were you, or my Mom, I wouldnt. She doesn't love me, never has. What's your reason?

Wow this post took an unexpected turn to the dark side.

1 comment:

Dianna said...

i love you too rebs, like the sister i always wanted. oh wait, i have one of those, oh wait, she is a half-sister, but then you are kind of a sister too, of course you are my AZD sister, which is way closer to me than my half sister who lives in nevada, ok so yes, i love you too.