Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Things I Will Do For A Sticker

It seems essentially hard to ignore and surely I will not be the first to inform you, but today is the day you go vote. Will your vote be counted? Constitutionally it has to. And even better it gives you a reason to gripe with some substance behind it. If you still can't find good cause to vote, despite knowing that many pockets of the world go without any democratic excercise, do it for the goddamn sticker. The things I will do for a sticker.

In late 2006 I was hired by John McCain's political campaign to run the LA office. For the love of sweet Jesus they didn't read blondememoirs, or rather blondememoirs was only a twinkle in my eye, and a secret service background check I did pass. Concered I would be swept off by men in black suites and mic'd up walkies, I kept my top secret job, top secret -- from all but one friend.

"We should have a code name for him," she said.


"What do you think about cupcake?"

"Well I never did meet a cupcake I didn't like, cupcake it is."

That job didn't pan out, financial problems lef the campaign initially riddled with instability, and a huge payoff for Rebecca bought her many Ugg boots and apple martinis.

I won't tell you who I voted for today, I'm a lady after all. But I am pulling for, supporting, I like me some cupcake.

Early afternoon I engaged in a work project, that when the proverbial dust settled, I was missing one, "I voted" sticker. Would my vote now be counted? What would happen to cupcake? I couldn't be too sure. It seems without the sticker it was a wasted vote. I was concerned, until I remembered I could simply barter for another's. I have promised to finish a new work project by first thing tomorrow morning, for receipt of her "I Voted" sticker.

The Things I Will Do For A Sticker.

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