Thursday, October 5, 2006

An open letter to Mr. Brad Pitt

it was recently when i heard you quoted. you said, you and angie will get married when "everybody who wants to be married can do so legally." first reaction, i'm a fan. reasons. i think it sounds really romantic. second, i like to boycott things, personally, and anyone who uses protest as a tool for social activism and progress can't be all bad in my book. a short book with mainly pictures, but nonetheless a book. but let's all just take a very lucid clear moment and keep it real with each other. back in the day when you made it honest with jennie on martha's malibu property you weren't so concerned with who else got to participate in holy matrimony. so let's assume the best, you had a change of heart. angie's out there saving the world and you're out there showing you can keep up. i can't be mad about that. what i would like us to focus on is really two key talking points. firstly, you want everybody who wants to get married to be able to do so? surely you would insist upon some restrictions. age, the amount of people who can be married to one another, relatives. surely if we allow all who want to be married to do so, these issues will arise. but what i really want to know is why it's just marriage you are pursuing equality under. i just dont see you saying to paramount i wont fly the corporate jet until everyone can-i will rely on commercial air travel. i also dont see you turning down a meal at spagos by your management because lots of people in the world are going hungry. or giving up your malibu residence because there are people with no homes who through circumstance will never see an ocean. you are super active doing good so i wont dig too hard and i hardly believe you are working towards a socialist climate, so what i really have to think is that you say these things to get people talking, blogging, ultimately generating press. which i have to say is a little interesting being you get it and then are super bothered by it. you and every celebrity. so look, how about you stick to acting. you aren't really the best at it, but i feel like angie could be a good role model/teacher. because your mediocre acting, your halfhearted messages about marriage filled with hypocrisy over your own plunge into bonded matrimony some years back, and your disinterest with equality between yourself and everyone else in every other aspect of your life just make me kinda discredit you all together. so just marry angie, get a thorough prenup, your career will be better off when it's over in a couple years, and stop pretending you care about marriage when you really just want to up your own stock. we'll go see your movies, just stop pretending this is about anything else but the press.