Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy November the 7th

Happy November the 7th. It's only happening one time this year, so you should celebrate it by doing something equally awesome as yourself. In my case, that means going to Jerry's Deli for dinner with friends. In your case, that could mean drinking a piping hot glass of apple cider. I am sorry there was no new content on Duty calls, if you will. And by duty I mean my annoying job. So instead I looked up for you on a very special site called wikihow. I urge you not to go there. It's very addicting. Even more so than wikipedia. It's like filled with knowledge. So instead I just went to wiki how and researched a topic that I thought you would find interesting. Please read it thoroughly, and feel free to not comment, as that is not an option on blondememoirs. Thank you again for your loyal viewership and happy november the 7th.

How to Impress Your Friends on Your Bicycle

Ride No Handed: This is a pretty easy trick to master.
When you are starting out, find a stretch of flat road without any cars.
Slowly lift your hands a few inches above the handlebars. If this is too hard, you can first lift one hand, and then the other hand. Once you do this often, you will master it easily.
Note that some bike frames are not built with a relaxed enough geometry for this to be possible. Riding no-hands is more dangerous on these bikes, as their ability to right themselves and ride straight is reduced, or absent. This is true more with older or more expensive road bikes. Cruisers and mountain bikes are good candidates for this trick.
Ride No Handed (another way).
Start coasting, and stand on your pedals.
Lean forward until your thighs are resting on the handlebars.
Stand up straight and lean back, keeping your body behind the front axle. It feels sketchy, but you can coast like this and even turn. Don't use your front brake too hard or you'll faceplant. With long enough legs and a small enough frame, you can even pedal in this position, but if not you may hit the stem. Watch out for the family jewels when attempting this!
Do a Wheelie.
Think about jumping high in the air.
Do this while holding on to your handlebars, and tilt back a little. Some people can do this for a second, while others can go down a whole street on their back wheel.
Do an Endo.
When you're going to stop completely, and want a bit of a flourish, use only the front brake, gradually adding more and more pressure (too much and you faceplant, don't lock it up at once).
Lean forward and brake on the front. Soon you'll be balanced on your front wheel.
Stand on your bike.(Very dangerous!)
Get decent speed on a flat or slightly sloping road.
Then put one foot on the seat while coming up.
Take the other foot and put it on the seat.
Gradually loosen your grip on the handlebars.
Stand or crouch for a few seconds no handed and then drop back down.