Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Politics, Religion, and the Olive Garden

There are few issues as contentious, as dividing, which spark such fiery controversy, causing timeouts, desolation, and ultimately death - as politics, religion, and the Olive Garden.

There shouldn't be sides, but there always will be. Those who love the Olive Garden, and those who simply do not care for it. Ask me, what would a person detest about garlic salted bread sticks toasted to just satisfaction or an endless salad prepared by people who care about things like preparing wonderful salad? Who would detest these things? Ask me, why would someone turn up their nose at peach iced tea sweetened with a small wedge of peach to make it perfect. Could it be they hate the way that no matter what you choose to eat there you will love it? Or that even when you decline dessert, because your stomach is to maximum capacity with goodness, the wait staff is kind enough to bring a chocolate ending your meal off on a sweet note?

Who are these people that hate all which I love? People whom I best not discuss the other contentious topics of our day. Those people.