Friday, October 12, 2007

Blonde Goes Green.

At 5am this morning my blackberry delivered to me a piece of breaking news via CNN.


I have no idea why this would be funny to me - but it totally was. I just think Al is funny looking. But it isn't funny. Global warming is a very serious issue. A very very serious issue. And once I figure out what it is, I will take it even more seriously. So I decided to take it upon myself, on company time of course, to research global warming.

Global warming is synonymous for climate change. This increase in global temperature is supposed to have secondary effects, including a rising sea level and extreme weather. As I read on, I came upon a dozen words I didn't understand and caught on a secret this was like all about science. So I lost interest.

So here's the deal. I don't get the charts and big words. But clearly this is a big deal to Al and he was our vice president. Out of respect, I'm willing to make some changes. Also, I got an e-mail at work that said I had to. I have to print less and use these new blue bins and plates instead of paper ones. I'm not clear how the new plates are helping glaciers floating around in Alaska, but until I can get clarification on the big words I will trust Al and his big fancy prize.