Sunday, April 1, 2007

Class Is In Session

Class Is In Session

You know the commercials. The parents pushing the cart merrily down the aisle, throwing in supplies with wild abandonment. The kids painfully and unwillingly – under severe duress, follow behind. They feel the dread, the parents the elation, the ecstasy, the joyful exultation, of that time that comes around every early fall…

Time to go back to school.

As a grown up, in the absence of school, life no longer holds the same static cycles. Springs mesh with summer. And in a town where winters feel little change from fall, it's not hard to feel a monotonous rolling on of life with no start – and no close. So we clutch on to everything that is reminiscent of the starts and stops.

Like clicking the refresh on our browser bar of life.

There are the birthdays, the reveling in new love, the anniversaries, new babies, promotions, the first house, summer vacations. It stops the world and launches it in to a spin once again.

Among 37 reasons, people love sports for one because it gives us that same cyclical feeling.

The start of baseball is my start. And every eve of the new season I allow myself one big baseball shopping spree. Back to baseball shopping. Last year it was my jacket – now riddled in nacho cheese, ketchup stains, and dirt. I enjoy this more than I remember back to school shopping, mostly because baseball is way cooler than school ever was. This year I upped the proverbial ante and got not one, but two super cute new get fit for the season getups – an embroidered tracksuit and Swarovski crystal ornamented hat. It bling, blangs, and looks fly - real fly.

I'd say that without any unexpected, unauthorized delays or interruptions, I am hereby ready to commence the baseball season two thousand seven.

Class is in session.