Friday, May 21, 2010

I went through a year long phase, just recently culminating in a very sub par movie, a phase entitled: "I hate every movie I see." Be it rentals, at $1, be it movie theatre new releases. I hated them all equally. Even when oscar worthy movies came and went, I hated them. I secretly feared I was fully engaged in this 30 year old thing, and just starting to turn my noise up at everything. I've generally been pretty agreeable, so I liked not this strange phase. I stuck with the $1, because, well if you're gonna hate things, it's best to do it on the cheap. My local theatre is a spectacle. I don't know how it's even standing, but it's cheap as all, and at $5, I can afford to probably hate a movie and mad dog talking teenagers. But with $5, you're getting, $5. You're getting sticky floors, and that wonderful moldy smell. Somewhere in this year long hatred of every movie I saw, I started to enjoy this $5 sticky fungus theatre. It became endearing to my LA hardcore run down I've seen everything roots. I finally saw a movie about a month ago, that I'll declare was subpar, so I'm out of my hated phase, which is nice. I've been seeing a lot of subpar entertainment lately - entertainment I wouldn't dare declare I'd spend $20 on. Slap a 3D sticker on the outside or not. Now with New York theatres, some of them charging $20 a showing, well I think I will stick to half liking most of what I see at $5 at my local sticky fungus theatre.

Happy Friday.

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