Monday, April 19, 2010

Avoiding Loss

In the last five days I've experienced sadness, and guilt, deep and unutterable remorse and I've gone to extraordinary measures in those five days to ensure I never have to experience loss again. Why I can't even remember the right lose to use. Is it loss, lose, loose? I'm clearly not very good at it in physical or literative form. If I walk softly enough, keep my voice low enough, looking at no one, weaving from conflict, never forming bonds again, in a cave of fear and a shelter of security, I'd live forever and never speak again of the subject of loss.

See I don't even like when my baseball team loses. There's nothing good that ever comes from loss. On a shutout Saturday I attempted by every way one could, via text message, to negate that loss. But I do speak English, and you can't have bad reception by text message, and see, there's no one here leave a message, still doesn't get you out of the woods. A loss is a loss, and it will chase you down the leftfield line, over the foul pole and find the most faith held fan.

But in negating loss, even I eventually have to accept, life isn't lived. Pets can't be loved, and family would be an advantage never cherished.

So I have today to stay above the 500 mark. Win more than I lose, so that someday when I experience a shutout, in baseball, as in life, I can breathe in, shake my head side to side, and say, shit, that was one hell of a game.

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