Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Tiny Head

I've never had any direct problems with my head. I once hit it on the pavement at a swim meet and spent the next day in emergency. Later I miscounted the amount of strokes to the wall during a backstroke set, and slammed my head in to the wall. (That happened no less than 14 times). My dad threw a basketball at my head thinking I was looking. I was not.

And last Tuesday I bent over and hit my head on a doorknob. Morning and evening.

I've never had trouble fitting my head in ballcaps and headbands. I have 4 Dodger hats bought from a normal persons sort of store. They fit just fine. I have a hat I bought solely on the off chance I get a last minute call to go to the Kentucky Derby. I had no trouble finding or fitting in to that hat.

My head, it's in equal proportion to my body, looking generally the same in size to everyone else in pictures, and since I have no other choice but an expensive not yet invented plastic surgery and years of recovery, I will keep it.

It's just my head, it feels a bit tinier than it ought to be, when I think of dating.

Once I dated someone for a month and a half who one day told me he had to walk our friends dog - and never returned. Another time I thought I'd received all the positive signs to later find out I was being enlisted in a pyramid scheme. I've looked far and long, from Tennessee to Texas, New York to Arizona, across all the nations 4 corners. For a year and a half I dated someone, who one day, just didn't respond to a text message, to never to be heard from again.

My dating adventures are, for lack of a theasaurous in arms reach, adventorous, and if it wasn't for my due diligence very possible they all are victims of the same kidnapper. But alas they are living and thriving and leaving me an exhausted shell of the spirited upbeat dater I once was.

It's just, I can't wrap it around my unusually normal sized yet tiny head. So I won't. But I best not beat it up hitting the pool wall. I may just never be able to understand it at all. And I must remain sharp to punch them all in the face should we ever meet again.

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