Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Have A Dream

I have big dreams. Huge ones. But most days I resign myself to watching Friends re-runs in bed while eating chicken nuggets. Today I received some big news, big dreams, and after seeing those dreams through, I must now resign myself to crying to sleep, rocking myself in a pool of my own tears - while watching re-runs and eating chicken nuggets. Martin Luther King knew a lot about dreaming. So much so he gave a historic I Have a Dream Speech, on steps to the Lincoln Memorial. Desegregation and a Nobel peace prize followed. Those were some big dreams.

I'm a talker, conversationalist, as my mother says. So most people think they know me because I blab a lot. But I'm a complex individual. No nobel prizes but many noble undertakings. In the third grade I played the late Dr. King in our school play. Were there people more adequately suited than me? Perhaps. But man, you've never seen a white girl from the valley play a middle aged black man with more passion. Well maybe not passion, but I remembered all my lines and I was 8 so that was all that was really required of me. My I have a dream, well it could bring grown men to their knees. Martin Luther King, whether played by an 8 year old in a school auditorium, or in our minds, was a man among mere mortals.

I remember Martin Luther King Jr. today because these again are historic times. While I don't care of Obama, for reasons I will keep close to my proverbial political vest, I respect his motivations, where he seeks to move us, and from a past we should all move forward from. So I guess from the 8 year I once was, to the dreamer I will always be...good night.

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