Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy New Britney Music Tuesday Eve

It’s difficult to fathom we’ve all endured as long as we have. Not withstanding a remix album – and a greatest hits – it’s been four years since Britney’s made us new music. On the eve of this most celebrated day, a day which comes two weeks earlier than originally anticipated, a day too long overdue, we blog about all things Britney.

Brought to you in an age where my friend Alisha dressed like Britney looks more like Britney, than Britney dressed like Britney, I understand your curiousness with any interest level in her happenings. There is little doubt - the woman has fallen on some tough times – a “growth year” if you will. That aside, I am happy that despite the train wreck her life continues to become – she remains committed to what she’s good at, having her mediocre voice processed in a studio. Because say what you want, there is little other that can fill up a house party in the valley like the sweet sweet sounds of the southern sweet Britney Jean Spears.

Let’s hope that somewhere in between the scathing reviews and the decent ones, there are just a couple songs that make us get up and dance. For no one’s sake, but my Britney dolls, who have been and continue to be on a timeout. This could be their very last chance at redemption.

Happy new Britney music Tuesday eve, friends, and to all a good night!